Myofunctional Therapy
Myofunctional Therapy Essentials
Dysfunction and imbalance of the orofacial muscles (tongue, lips, cheeks, soft palate) can negatively impact oral hygiene, facial growth, stability of orthodontics, temporomandibular joint movement, posture, digestion, sleep and more
Signs of Myofunctional Disorders
The symptoms of myodysfunction are many and varied. They can include any of the following:
Chronic day time fatigue
Inability to regulate mood
Forgetfulness/difficulty concentrating
Bed wetting or needing to use bathroom at night
Dry mouth, sore throat or stuffy nose
Choking, gasping, long pauses without breathing during sleep
Teeth grinding or clenching
Lips apart at rest
Crowded or crooked teeth
Speech errors
Tongue thrust
Mouth breathing
Poor sleep
TMJ/jaw pain
Referred tooth pain
Goals of Therapy
Restore nasal breathing
Facilitate complete lip seal
Establish proper tongue resting position
Optimize healthy chewing and swallowing pattern
When these four goals are achieved, many of the above symptoms often resolve on their own, even though they are not directly addressed through therapy
Whole Body Approach
We strive discover any underlying issues that may effect the success of therapy. This includes assessing for Retained Primary Reflexes, Cranial Nerve imbalances, Vagal Nerve dysregulation and structural deficiencies that may effect the nasal cavity. Sessions may not only include myofunctional exercises, but also exercises to integrate primitive reflexes, rhythmic movement to enhance perception and the body-brain connection, cranial nerve stimulation for enhanced sensory and motor connection, breath work, posture exercises and lymphatic drainage.