Phillips ZOOM!

In-Office Whitening System is a scientifically advanced tooth whitening procedure. It is safe, effective and fast. In just over one hour your teeth will become dramatically whiter. ZOOM! is ideal for anyone looking for immediate results. The convenience of ZOOM! in comparison to days of wearing trays or strips, makes it the perfect choice for the busy individual.

The procedure begins with a short preparation to cover you lips and gums, leaving only your teeth exposed, followed by application of a gel, which was designed to be used with a specially designed light. The ZOOM! light and gel work together to gently penetrate your teeth, breaking up stains and discoloration. With proper care your smile will sparkle for years.

In-office whitening | Philips Zoom!

 Zoom at-home whitening options will include custom trays to fit over your teeth. For Zoom DayWhite, you wear the trays during the day for a half an hour to an hour and a half once or twice a day. Zoom NiteWhite treatments occur at night, and you wear the trays overnight.

Both at-home treatments occur over a 2-week period of time.

Your at-home procedure will involve:

  • brushing your teeth
  • adding a small amount of the whitening gel to the trays provided by your dentist
  • putting the trays over your teeth
  • wearing the trays for the prescribed length of time
  • removing the trays and rinsing them with cold water
  • brushing your teeth again


Take your first step to feeling good, looking great and making memorable impressions every time you smile. You owe it to yourself!


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